Having this well-built structure opens the doors to a myriad of ways we can tell our brand story.
Read MoreOur brand features may make us notable. Our benefit may make us preferable. But those things aren't the real motivators for our prospects.
Read MoreFind what is genuine and you will have a purpose that is believable, valuable – and most of all – undeniably yours.
Read MoreAs you evaluate your purpose, ask these four questions. They will help keep you honest. And will help temper your purpose, making it everything it can be.
Read MoreThere is a growing body of research and thought supporting the pursuit of a purpose-driven brand. Here are five posts that delve into the subject.
Read MoreYou don't have to have some miracle claim to create an unmatched connection with those you hope to serve. Your brand just needs to demonstrate to them that you understand what is important to them.
Read MoreWhen you add a Big Audacious Meaning to the formation (or evolution) of your brand, you go beyond giving those you hope to serve a reason to buy. You give them a reason to believe.
Read MoreEvery brand has the ability to embrace something magical. We just have to be willing to go beyond the mechanics of what the brand does or how it does it to ignite the “ooh”, “whoa”, and “wow”.
Read MoreWe can spend a lot of time explaining and promoting our brands when what we should be doing is spending that time focusing on the needs and desires of those we hope to serve. Thankfulness can help us make that shift.
Read MoreIt won't be visible to the world. But it will be felt. In the harmony of words and action. In the singularity of purpose of your brand. It all begins with an exceptional brand platform.
Read MoreWith any existing organization, a brand purpose isn't invented. It is clarified. It exists in the DNA. It just needs to be discovered. Coaxed out. And then refined.
Read MoreDon't underestimate what your brand is capable of. Be courageous. Your brand can make a difference. You have to believe it. And claim it.
Read MoreIf you don’t know why your brand is extraordinary, your employees and customers won’t know either. That’s not a disadvantage that you should just quietly accept.
Read MoreWithout a unifying idea, the efforts of your brand become disjointed. Messages conflict. And prospects start tuning out because of the dissonance. It’s why you need to find your unifying idea first.
Read MoreIf you’re looking to nurture a purpose-driven brand, check out these interesting reads.
Read MoreThis is a variation of the 5 Whys exercise I use to help organizations clarify their purpose or Big Audacious Meaning. But I have found it useful for uncovering the most compelling brand story as well.
Read MoreWith this simple exercise, you have what you need to make your message relevant and meaningful. And that's what makes a message magnetic.
Read MoreStart by asking, “Who are we serving?” And, “How are we making a difference for her or him?” Then let that guide our brand by sharing something that’s less about us and more about them.
Read MoreStorytellers throughout the ages have known this secret – there is nothing like a villain to give your story real power. If your brand has any doubts, just ask your hero.
Read MoreAll great stories have one. Is your brand ready to find the villain that will make yours great?
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