When you have a brand purpose, you get rewarded in extraordinary ways. That's not something you can trigger with a bigger marketing spend. Those are privileges that only purpose can bring to your organization.
Read MorePeople would trade compensation for brand purpose. As consumers, we all will opt for the purpose-driven option when given the choice. All of which explains why purpose-driven organizations outperform their peers.
Read MoreWe can fight the brutal battle for more customers. Or we can choose to gather in our believers with a brand purpose. And reap the rewards.
Read MorePersonas give our purpose-driven brand an empathy-inducing ability. To care more about what the prospects need rather than what we want to sell. And in the process, give them a reason to care about us.
Read MoreThere have been a number of excellent posts recently that help highlight the power of clarifying and embracing the purpose at the core of our brands. Here is a short list of the must-read ones.
Read MoreWe’ll need to step back and clarify that thing about our brand that has the potential to inspire all those we hope to serve.
Read MoreDo we let the times we live in turn our messaging into an inconsequential peashooter or, do we turn it into the emotional sledgehammer that it could be?
Read MoreData is incredibly important in today's world. But its full potential can't be realized unless we transform those numbers into stories.
Read MoreWe may not be able to stop the tsunami of content that we face. But we can create islands of sanity. Where those we hope to serve can escape.
Read MoreThankfulness is likely to spread. It's contagious. Thanking one person makes it more likely that they will thank another starting a thankfulness epidemic
Read MoreOur prospects' story has a villain. And they are looking for someone to help them vanquish this ne'er-do-well that stands between them and their dream.
Read MoreYou know that feeling you get when you just have to click that button? We’ve all been there. It can almost feel futile to resist the appeal.
Read MoreWith the elements of the hero's journey identified and expressed, we can build an awesome story. A story with real meaning for those we hope to serve.
Read MoreWith the elements of the hero's journey identified and expressed, we can build an awesome story. A story with real meaning for those we hope to serve.
Read MoreWhen we start with our story, the answers will reveal themselves. And all those questions about ads become a whole lot less vexing.
Read MoreIt's not just about what our website says. It's about what it relates. How it empathizes. How it starts a conversation. And how it inspires.
Read MorePerhaps the most powerful aspect of our brand is not how it looks or sounds. Rather, it is the stories that our brand has the potential to trigger.
Read MoreLet's make the story as clear and compelling as we possibly can. We just may be surprised everything that it can help us get done.
Read MoreA great story is full of magic and wonder. It helps us feel like we can be part of something larger than ourselves. Something that can make a difference.
Read MoreArticulating a core belief eradicates the vagueness swirling around our story. Equally as powerful is the launch pad it creates for that story to take off.
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