These simple changes in language will transform your brand

Great brands show exceptional humility. Humility is powerful because it shifts your focus. You think less about your brand and more about those the brand serves.

That may sound like a herculean culture shift for some organizations. But there are some simple changes in language that any brand in any organization can adopt that can help a brand make huge strides.

Let's lose the military lingo

In the past, we would talk about our prospects as target audiences. Using the word “target” makes your brand effort sound like a military operation. Those you hope to engage aren't targets in your crosshairs. You are not assaulting them with your brand (at least I hope you're not).

My solution is to stop talking about prospects as targets and to start calling them “those you hope to serve”.

Changing your language changes your whole approach. You are no longer targeting, you are serving. You can see how that simple change in language can make a world of difference in how you do things. For one client of mine, this meant shifting from asking how can we hit them with another message to asking what help could we offer them that would make a difference in their lives.

Add two small words to make one big difference

At first blush, it may not seem significant to make this small change in your language. But I've seen what it can do for brands. In fact, it's at the core of a brand developing a Big Audacious Meaning. Let me explain.

We have a natural tendency to ask, "What can our brand help us do?"

This is an internal focus driven by instinct. It's primal to think of ourselves first. It reaches into our drive for self-preservation.

But do we want our brand to be ruled by primal urges? Of course not. So here's the two-word addition that transforms the question.

"What can our brand help us do for others?"

With just two words, we make a major shift. I like to say that our brand orientation changes from selfishness to selflessness.

The brand becomes a means for doing good in the world. And it invites all those it hopes to serve to join in. That connects with a deep desire in all of us to make a difference for those around us.

The great thing about all this is that it is something that we all have access to. We all use the language. We can make adjustments, alterations, and additions that have the potential for transforming our brands. Maybe it's changing how you talk about prospects. Or maybe it's two simple words that point you to an audacious purpose.

It's time to start taking advantage of the power of our words.