When you have a brand purpose, you get rewarded in extraordinary ways. That's not something you can trigger with a bigger marketing spend. Those are privileges that only purpose can bring to your organization.
Read MorePeople would trade compensation for brand purpose. As consumers, we all will opt for the purpose-driven option when given the choice. All of which explains why purpose-driven organizations outperform their peers.
Read MoreWe can fight the brutal battle for more customers. Or we can choose to gather in our believers with a brand purpose. And reap the rewards.
Read MorePersonas give our purpose-driven brand an empathy-inducing ability. To care more about what the prospects need rather than what we want to sell. And in the process, give them a reason to care about us.
Read MoreYou know that feeling you get when you just have to click that button? We’ve all been there. It can almost feel futile to resist the appeal.
Read MoreWhen we start with our story, the answers will reveal themselves. And all those questions about ads become a whole lot less vexing.
Read MoreThis simple question can uncover those things that can guide us to that awesome storytelling that we're striving to achieve.
Read MoreIt's no longer enough to position our brand in relation to the environment and the competition. With purpose, we can differentiate in spite of those things.
Read MoreA purpose orients a brand to how it will make a difference in lives. This gets us out of the game of invading their world and just shouting louder.
Read MoreThis is how customer service people shake the bad rap and begin to capture the dignity and power that comes from being in service to someone else.
Read MoreWe need the hope that comes from a purpose. We need to be able to look forward to the things we can do to make a difference in the world.
Read MoreWe can't assume that everyone we hope to serve knows our purpose. Vagueness saps its power. When it's clear, so is our future.
Read MoreWe could light the fire of purpose that ignites a passion in all those around us. Imagine how awesome that would be. That's the dream.
Read MoreWe spend half our waking hours at work. Half! Why are we so willing to allow half our time to be so uninspiring? So lacking in passion?
Read MoreImagine when companies start to discover that the path to purpose is also the path to success. Imagine customers rewarding them for the good they spread.
Read MoreHere is another survey of the insight being shared around purpose – one of the biggest movements in business today – along with some must read sources.
Read MorePurpose continues to expand with a wide range of thought leadership. Here are five sources that offer some helpful insight into the movement.
Read MoreIt's a journey to discover a purpose. But what we shouldn't forget is that, when you get there, the real adventure is just beginning.
Read MorePurpose is easily thought of as doing good. But that's just the half of it. What often gets lost is that it's just as much about doing well.
Read MoreBrands become powerful assets when people identify with them. That only happens when the brand strategy is intent on bringing meaning to the relationship
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