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4 most read posts on branding and purpose in Q1 2024

This quarter’s most-read posts dove deeper into everything from what separates ‘purpose’ from ‘mission’ to how to mine the most potent parts of your brand. Here is a recap of those top 4 posts - click through to read the full versions.

Purpose vs. mission: understanding the difference for your brand – Purpose and mission are two distinct but interconnected concepts that together define a brand's identity and direction.

Your brand's benefits are not benefits – It’s not enough to expose people to your message. You have to give them a meaningful reason to care if you want to engage them.

Sometimes it’s not a branding problem – Maybe it’s time to get with your sales colleagues and create something you’ll both feel good about.

The counterintuitive magic every brand should embrace – We have to change our inclination from enumerating the rational things and thinking it’s enough to rely on the lightweight brand benefits.