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The world desperately needs more gratitude. Your brand can help.

Our brands live in a world today where the people we hope to serve are guarded and suspicious. Not to mention overwhelmed by an information glut. It’s a difficult environment, creating challenges for our brands when it comes to engaging with our prospects.

Yelling a little louder is not the answer. Especially when you are a brand that prides itself on genuinely hoping to help customers and prospects.

In the midst of all this, there is something that you can embrace that helps you meet the challenges of today’s environment. Gratitude.

Gratitude has some amazing benefits. For both the giver and receiver (check out the gratitude infographic at the end of this article.)  And it’s infectious. As you receive gratitude, you are more likely to offer gratitude to someone else. And as you offer gratitude, you are more likely to want to continue the practice.

Wouldn’t it be awesome for your brand to be associated with that?

Reaching beyond the traditional thank you

It’s always great to let our customers know how much we appreciate them. Sending out a thank you message is never a bad idea. But there is so much more opportunity for our brands.

  1. Help them remember the awe - with the fast pace of life, it’s too easy to blow by all the things that are pretty awesome. Take time to identify and celebrate those things with your customers and prospects. For example, let’s say you offer an app that helps organizations build stronger engagements with their customers or members. Celebrate the amazing things we can do together when we have the ability to connect with others. Take the time to share the things that we take for granted but are quite moving when we stop to reflect on them.

  2. Embrace humility - while you’re sharing the awe, don’t be afraid to let customers and prospects know how humbled you are by the opportunity to engage with them. Some see this as a sign of weakness. Those that frame it that way don’t have the confidence or courage to be this genuine with those they hope to serve. Be genuinely humble and those you hope to engage will be drawn to you.

  3. Share selflessly - nothing demonstrates your gratitude like sharing something your customers and prospects will find useful and valuable. Share your knowledge. Share your expertise. Better yet, share the larger purpose you have embraced (your Big Audacious Meaning). Help them understand how they can be part of it. How together you can help make a difference in a life, a community, or even the world.

There are a lot of negative things that get attention in our world. It can feel like they drown out everything else. 

The antidote is gratitude. It can help people reorient. To make sure what is good and right in life isn't overwhelmed by cynicism, anger, and sheer noise. 

The world needs it. Those you hope to serve will appreciate it. Now is the time for your brand to share the gratitude.