What do you want purpose to do for your brand?

Today the term 'purpose' gets bandied about way too casually by organizations. And as a result, these organizations start to define it too narrowly. For one company I read about, purpose became shorthand for their sustainability initiative.

Sustainability is important. But it is just one expression of the purpose.

Clarifying a purpose sets a foundational element that has an impact that ripples across an organization. From HR and recruiting to operations to customer care to marketing and more. In order to unleash its full impact, we have to ask what we want purpose to do for our brands.

This goal-setting self examination ensures that we see the full transformative potential of clarifying a purpose. Here are three example outcomes of this exercise.


Outcome 1: We want to ensure we are more focused

By clarifying and sharing the purpose across the organization, you create a touchstone for all decision making going forward. 'Should we do X?' would be answered with 'How will X support/further our purpose?'

This shared intent helps focus the entire organization. Moreover, this is a different kind of focus. It is not one generated from punitive rules. Here's what I mean. I define purpose as the profound impact you can have on a life, a community, or even the world. That is inspiring to everyone. And it drives a very different kind of focus. One that is much more engaging, energizing, and sustaining. It is a focus driven by hope rather than fear.

Outcome 2: We want to ensure we are more compelling

The great thing about a purpose is that it gives you something compelling to talk about. With your team. With customers. With prospects. With anyone who engages with your brand.

In fact, a well-articulated purpose can be highly engaging. Because it taps into an inherent need we all have - to feel like we can be part of something larger than ourselves.

Nailing the expression of your purpose is paramount. It should be inspiring and even challenging (that's why I call it your Big Audacious Meaning). Because it has the daunting task of setting the tone for everything you say and do from that moment forward.

Outcome 3: We want to ensure we are meaningful

We all want to feel like we are making a difference for those around us. That applies to your team members who want to feel like their work is having that impact. That goes for your customers and prospects, too. They want to feel like their purchases are helping to support something that is making a difference.

Clarifying a purpose gives an organization the means to help all those it hopes to serve connect with the deeper meaning we all desire to bring into our lives. That can be inspiring. For the organization. And for everyone the organization serves.

Imagine not only serving others well but also inspiring them. Imagine how that could ripple out into the world. There are brands like Patagonia and Dove that have seen what a purpose could do for the brand and everyone it serves.

What do you want purpose to do for your brand? It's the first question to ask as you begin the journey of pursuing purpose. Spend time with it. It will help you ensure that you are on the path to unlocking the full potential of embracing a brand purpose.