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Infographic overload or how I invented the inphonigraphic

We are awash in infographics. We even have infographics about infographics.

But the trouble isn't that we have too many infographics.  The trouble is they can give us an excuse to be lazy - no need to edit, just make that infographic a little longer (they're supposed to be scrollable, right?)

It's work to keep the visualizations focused. With that in mind, here are three tips to help in that endeavor.

1. Keep it snackable

Whenever I come across an infographic that scrolls on and on, I wonder who has time to decipher this? I'm sure there is a case to be made for long infographics, but in today's world of information inundation, clarity trumps complexity. Snackable content forgoes long executions in favor of short, focused visualizations of a data point. Keeping it snackable improves the odds of your audience consuming your content.

2. Stick to one idea

Multiple data points are fine, as long as they are helping to illustrate one compelling point. Keep your infographic focused. Your audience will appreciate how easy you make it for them to understand.

3. Use reliable sources

Nothing is more irritating than to get engaged with a data visualizations and then discover that the data comes from a suspect source or the source isn't cited at all. It would be better just to make up the data and admit it outright. We'll call it the inphonigraphic. All the sparkle of an infographic without all that bothersome factualness. This could be a watershed moment in the history of data visualization. Or, at least, a reminder of the importance of using reliable sources for your data.

Key Takeaways

  • Don't use the infographic form as an excuse to get lazy with your focus
  • To strengthen your infographic, keep it snackable, stick to one idea, and use reliable sources
  • If all else fails, there's always the inphonigraphic