Unlock the secret to a wildly successful brand
Having your brand clarify and share a brand purpose is the most powerful way to connect with and endear yourself to those you hope to serve.
Unfortunately, brand purpose has become convoluted. Organizations have tied it up in complex DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) programs. In the process, it has come to be viewed as something that costs organizations when, in truth, it is the secret to a wildly successful brand. That is success defined by everything from employee engagement to financial performance.
Getting back to a simple definition
A brand purpose is the difference your brand can make in a life, a community, or even the world (I call this your Big Audacious Meaning). It doesn’t have to be grand. In fact, it’s often best to start by clarifying the difference your brand can make in a single life. That difference isn’t defined by the benefits most brands claim. Sure, those benefits are important. But we have to go deeper when we talk about making a difference. We have to get to that thing about your brand that can help that person you hope to serve to work toward her aspirations. If you clarify that, you begin to help that prospect down the path to reaching her idealized self. Every one of us has a picture of what we hope to become. Imagine your brand recognizing and facilitating that journey. Do that, and your brand will no longer be just a provider of goods or services. Your brand becomes an ally. An advocate. And a trusted friend.
How purpose works for your brand
Purpose focuses you on those you hope to serve. When you understand the difference you want to make in their lives, you gain a profound understanding of your ideal customer. You learn about their aspirations, their challenges, and their deepest desires. This intimate knowledge allows you to tailor your messaging, products, and services with laser-like precision to resonate with those needs and desires. You're no longer just selling a product. You're offering a solution that helps them achieve their goals and work toward that idealized self.
Purpose also helps you clarify and deliver a powerful message. When your brand has a strong sense of purpose, your message transcends a mere list of features and benefits. It becomes a compelling narrative that connects with your audience on an emotional level. This story inspires and motivates them to choose your brand over the competition. It's no longer just about what you sell – it's about the impact you create.
Finally, purpose has long-lasting effects. Purpose helps you create messages that have staying power. Since they are always connected to the difference you hope to make in a life (your brand’s purpose), they build upon each other, creating a more meaningful messaging effort that doesn't get old. Each message reinforces that difference you strive to make. That innoculates them from quickly fading away like the shallow, sensational tsunami of promotional messages that assault us today.
Embracing a genuine brand purpose fundamentally shifts how you think about your brand. By focusing on the difference your brand can make in just one life, you build a stronger connection with those you hope to serve. You inspire greater loyalty. And ultimately achieve lasting success. Take the time to define your purpose and let it guide your brand. You'll be amazed at the transformative power it can unleash.