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The secret to getting them to like and trust your brand

Your prospects’ decision to engage with you comes down to two questions.

  1. Do I like you?

  2. Do I trust you?

At first glance, it seems like a pretty easy task to help them answer those. Except for that part where it’s not.

You can’t expect to throw out a few of your top features, present your reasoning, and expect people to come running to your doorstep with cash in hand. We humans just don’t work that way.

For some brands it can take months – maybe even years – to build that elusive like and trust that turns prospects into clients or customers.

People are going to move at their own pace. Unless we do something to help expedite their journey.

Feeling vs. thinking

We make decisions with the emotional part of our brains. Oh, we may have some seemingly objective reasoning as to why we made the decision. But that's just the rational part of our brain doing what it does. Rationalizing the decision that the emotional side made.

Why is this important? Because when we connect to the emotions of our prospects, we get closer to that part of them that decides if they are going to like and trust us.

So how do we connect to those emotions? We offer them something that they can care about. This does two things. First, it creates an affinity between them and our brand (they start to like us). And second, if we establish that we both care about the same thing, they begin to feel like we are kindred spirits. And that enables the trust to grow.

So what can you offer them that they can care about? Don’t tell me “a quality product” or “great customer service” or “superb value”. Today, those are just the price to play.

Your Big Audacious Meaning

Here’s the thing. We all have this profound need to feel like what we do matters. That we can make a difference for the world around us. Think about how your brand can serve that.

Ask, “What is it that we do that serves this deep need?” It’s a question that will get you beyond the shallow answers and help you understand the meaningful impact you can have.

Oh, and don’t cop out with the old, “But we’re an insurance company so it just doesn’t apply to us.” Or, “We’re a debt collection firm so this couldn’t work for us.” Or any other excuse for whatever business you’re in. I have helped organizations of all ilk clarify their Big Audacious Meaning. Including insurance and debt collection companies. Every organization can identify the meaningful impact it can have. And then pursue that purpose. Even more than that, the organization can invite all those it hopes to serve to join in. To be part of the effort to make a difference.

Do that and watch what happens. People won’t just like your brand, they’ll start to love it. And they’ll start to feel a special connection. A connection that also builds that trust.