How meaning creates momentum for your brand

Have you ever heard anybody say, "Now there's a person on a mission"?

It's used to describe someone who is intently focused and taking action to accomplish a goal. Someone driven by a purpose.

We've all encountered somebody like this at some point. The fervor can be infectious. You can find yourself rooting for them. And, even thinking about how you might be able to help them. Sometimes even considering joining them in the quest.

Imagine if you could generate that kind of energy for your brand. Imagine the momentum it would create.

This is what happens when a brand embraces a purpose.

Two specific outcomes of a brand purpose

Clarifying a purpose gives your brand the potential to generate that infectious energy by unlocking two specific abilities for you. 

  1. Incisive decision-making. When you're operating with purpose at your core, decisions become clearer. You have identified one source of truth for evaluating everything you say and do. You begin to ask, "Will this decision help further the purpose we are pursuing?" Having this one touchstone allows everyone involved with the brand to align. When that happens, your efforts accelerate.

  2. Irresistible messaging. I have been present when a brand clarifies its purpose. There is an amazing energy in that moment alone. Because we've given voice to the why. That thing that energizes us. The difference we're setting out to make. Sharing that feels triumphant. We're not just creating another brand message, we are offering a manifesto. That is something people are magnetically drawn to. And it is messaging that is powerful in its ability to propel your brand.

Purpose gives everyone inside and outside of your organization a reason to believe. A reason to care. It sets your brand on a mission, creating new positivity. New clarity. New meaning.

It has the remarkable ability to energize everything we do. The resulting momentum is unrivaled.