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3 ways to use stories to power up your brand

There are times when it feels like things have plateaued. When you just can’t seem to move the needle. When you just feel stuck.

All too often I've seen sales & marketing leaders react to this by pushing messages that 'sell harder'. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for this to have the opposite intended effect.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that selling isn't important. It's just that I believe the best selling is done through helping. This is where stories can become invaluable. Stories can help us reach those we hope to serve in ways that just 'selling harder' can't do.

Consider why your efforts may have plateaued. Put yourself in your prospects' shoes. Try to understand what may be causing them to hesitate. Once you've done that examination, you can start to use stories to help you address the things that are keeping them from engaging with you. Here are three examples of what you can do by taking advantage of the power of stories.

1. Use stories to break down barriers

Let's face it, nobody really likes to be sold to. When we sense it's happening, our guard goes up. But when somebody shares a story with us, it's entertaining. And disarming. You can still demonstrate the value of your offering. You're just relating it in a way that takes advantage of something we humans have been doing for ages. Telling stories. Think of it this way. You sell to people, but you share stories with others.

2. Use stories to relate to those you hope to serve

People have a natural tendency to see themselves in a story. It's just something we humans do. So when you tell your story, you're inviting those you hope to serve to imagine themselves in the story. That builds a connection that you simply cannot get by bludgeoning your prospects with your features and benefits.

3. Use stories to become unforgettable

There is a high likelihood that people will not remember your sales points. But people remember stories. Stories humanize the point you're making and add in emotion. That's a powerful combination that can help you earn a spot in their brains. And it doesn't stop there. They may repeat your story to someone else (word-of-mouth). Because that's what we humans do.

For more on the importance of stories and a framework for crafting your epic story, check out this post.