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The top 3 most read posts on brand and purpose for Q4 2022

Over the past quarter, readers overwhelmingly gravitated to these 3 posts. There are common themes of empathy and selfless help that make brands successful. Those are good themes to reacquaint yourself with as you think about your branding efforts in the coming months.

  1. It’s not enough for your brand to solve a problem for your prospect.– Elevate above the category of a problem-solver. Elevate yourself to the status of a brand that helps them achieve something near and dear to them.

  2. How to create a more empathetic brand. – Empathy may very well be the most overlooked trait of exceptional brands. Look at how you might cultivate yours. It could become your superpower.

  3. For your brand, it’s not who you are it’s why you are. – It doesn’t matter if you’re launching a brand or reinventing one. If you want to create something truly special. Clarify why you are.